11 Second Club Oct 08 – Final
- October 31st, 2008
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Polish pass 1 – no lipsync, and still lots of polish stuff to do. Deadline, here we come!
Download movie: 11sec_oct08_blocking_02
It’s hard to imagine how this is a good thing…
Starting a little late, but what the hell. Blocking pass 1 for the 11 Second Club, October 08 edition. Set in a greasy Vegas casino, somewhere in pokie hell.
Download movie: 11sec_oct08_blocking_01
Thanks to Roman Kobryn over at AnimationMentor, who requested such an abomination of nature, cgBreakdown now does overshoots. There’s a new tab in the interface, so you can now send your character’s limbs in all sorts of directions at the same time!!!
Grab it on the cgBreakdown page
Finally have my showreel(s) online. Check ’em out in the showreel section.
cgBreakdown and cgNukeIO are back online – get ’em in the 3dTools section.